Astrology is an ancient science which exploring the study of the influence of celestial bodies on inanimate and living nature, and looking the nature` reaction in this influence. Many people confuse the two Sciences – astronomy and astrology, because these two Sciences have long been one. Now this are clearly separated. Astronomy is an objective science, which based on the results of research obtained using by a telescope or other instruments. It is studies the move, speed, mass, size, and location of space objects. The most influential and famous astronomers are considered: Galileo Galilei, Johann Kepler, Claudius Ptolemy, Nicholas Copernicus, and others. Astrology is a more subjective science. So, the compilation of horoscopes is considered an objective astronomical process, but its interpretation is a subjective, astrological process. Some of the famous astrologers are Pandit Ajay Bhambri, Susan Miller, Dr. Sunil Tripathi, and others.
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Stamps Astronomes
Republic of HaitiYear 2019Set 2 sheetsHave perforated and have imperforated..
$12.00 Ex Tax: $12.00
Stamps Astronomes
Republic of BeninYear 2019Set 2 sheetsHave perforated and have imperforated..
$12.00 Ex Tax: $12.00
Stamps Astronomes
Burkina FasoYear 2019Set 2 sheetsHave perforated and have imperforated..
$12.00 Ex Tax: $12.00
Stamps Astronomes
Republic of CameroonYear 2019Set 2 sheetsHave perforated and have imperforated..
$12.00 Ex Tax: $12.00
Stamps Astronomes
GabonYear 2019Set 2 sheetsHave perforated and have imperforated..
$12.00 Ex Tax: $12.00
Stamps Astrological sing
Cabo VerdeYear 2018Set 2 sheetsHave perforated and have imperforated..
$12.00 Ex Tax: $12.00
Stamps Astronomers Copernicus Galilei
Union of the ComorosYear 2019Set 2 sheetsHave perforated and have imperforated..
$12.00 Ex Tax: $12.00
Stamps Astronomers Copernicus Galilei Kepler
GhanaYear 2019Set 2 sheetsHave perforated and have imperforated..
$12.00 Ex Tax: $12.00
Stamps Astronomy
DjiboutiYear 2018Set 2 sheetsHave perforated and have imperforated..
$12.00 Ex Tax: $12.00
Stamps Astronomy Copernicus Galilei Kepler Halley
Lao PDRYear 2019Set 2 sheetsHave perforated and have imperforated..
$12.00 Ex Tax: $12.00
Stamps Astronomy Copernicus Galilei Kepler Halley
LesothoYear 2019Set 2 sheetsHave perforated and have imperforated..
$12.00 Ex Tax: $12.00
Stamps Famous Astronomers Copernicus Galilei Kepler
Republic of HaitiYear 2019Set 2 sheetsHave perforated and have imperforated..
$12.00 Ex Tax: $12.00
Stamps New Year Pig
RwandaYear 2018Set 2 sheetsHave perforated and have imperforated..
$12.00 Ex Tax: $12.00