The great exploration of the North and northeast was began In the XVI century. In the first half of the XVI century there was the 1st map of the Arctic ocean basin, drawn by D. Gerasimov. As a result of the great Northern expedition (1733 – 1743), all of Siberian coast of the Arctic ocean to Cape B. Baranov was explored, described and drawn on map. Russia was the first and only one country to use so-called drifting polar stations. The way to the North pole was paved by the Russian scientific polar fleet`s flagman "Academician Fedorov" and the nuclear icebreaker "Russia". American Explorer Richard E. Beard made the first flight across the North Pole started from Spitsbergen in May 9, 1926. The area of the Arctic is about 27 million square kilometers – is almost three times the size of Europe. The Central part of the near-polar region is occupied by the Arctic Ocean with an area of 14.75 million square kilometers. The Arctic` animal world is very unique. It consists of animals that are not found anywhere else. Polar bear, walrus, Beluga whale, narwhal, different kind of seals live among the ice of the Arctic Ocean. On the cliffs of the Arctic Islands settle down birds` huge colonies. Many animals and birds are entered in the Red book.
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