Physical appearance Birds and habits are differ from each other. There are birds small and large; some have a wingspan of up to 3 meters, while others (such as hummingbirds) do not exceed a few centimeters. Some of them spend the whole day in flight, but there are some who cannot fly at all. Some species of birds live in dry areas, while others settle near water reservoir and even know how to swim. Most birds are daylight way of living, but there are some (owls) hunt only at night, and sleep in the afternoon. The birds` ability to fly is the result of evolution, which gave them strong wings, light bones and a developed system of air bags. The birds` spread is due to their evolutionary achievements. This is the second, after flying lizards group of vertebrates, mastered active flight. Feathered intermediate forms between ancient reptiles and present birds appeared about 150 million years ago.
There are many different and beautiful birds in the world. In our online store stamps-world.eu you will find a large number of Stamps Birds - stamps Parrots, stamps Owls and many others. Buy Stamps Birds and Birds on postage stamps of the world in the category stamps fauna and decorate your collection with colorful and funny birdies.