The term "Geology" was first used by the Norwegian naturalist M. p. Esholt only in 1657, and as an independent branch of natural science, Geology began to develop only in the second half of the 18th century. Geology brings together a lot of of Sciences including Mineralogy, mineral Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry, petrography, geodynamics, geomorphology, paleontology, Volcanology, tectonics, stratigraphy and more. This science includes the study of the organisms that inhabited our planet also. Our planet Earth is very mysterious and versatile, and people still do not know much about it, although they try.
So, on the website of the online store Stamps-world.eu you can always find stamps in the Category Stamps Geology Stamps Minerals, as well as high-quality and beautiful images mountains and volcanoes on postage stamps of the world. Buy Stamps Geology in our online store and collect a complete collection of amazing knowledge about our planet without getting up from the sofa.